Now that the kids are back to school

back to schoolWith the kids back to their routine of school, homework, and early to bed, parents get the rare privilege of more adult time. Whether you’re a stay at home parent or just have more time after putting the kids to bed, use this time for you!
Get back to your workout routine. With the hustle and bustle of summer vacation, days at the pool, and shuttling the kids to friend’s houses, your workouts are easily forgotten. Now is the time to take that Zumba class to get back on track or take the long way while walking the dog. Exercise not only helps with maintaining weight, it enhances your mental health and let’s face it, parents need all the help they can get when school starts.
Volunteer in your extra time. Some parents find it difficult to have too much free time so filling it by helping others is a great way to spend those extra hours. Schools always need extra help with over-flowing class rooms and for recess duty. Volunteering at a local food bank or your church is another way to pass the time while giving back to the community. Helping others in this way not only makes you feel good about yourself, it is a great example for the kids and can be a valuable learning tool.
Get organized at home. Without the constant interruptions of driving the kids from activity to activity, you’ll have more time to get your house in order. Tackle that project you’ve been putting off, organize the playroom, or clean out the garage. Getting your house in order makes you feel accomplished. Don’t overwhelm yourself by starting with a huge project, tackle something smaller and work your way up. You don’t want to feel overwhelmed and burn out before you get started.
Find a part-time job. Now that you have some free time, look into a part-time job to help with school expenses or the upcoming holidays. Working outside of the home can be rewarding and exciting. Having an identity outside of ‘mom’ or ‘dad’ can seem strange, but it can have a positive effect on you and your parenting. Working outside the home helps you to appreciate the family you are working hard for and a little time away can do wonders for your mental state. Grocery stores and retail jobs can be flexible with hours and work around your family needs. Many stores hire part-time workers in October to prepare for the holiday season so keep your eye out for those HELP WANTED signs.
Pamper yourself. Don’t forget to use this time to reward yourself for making it through another summer. Plan a spa day with friends and sip wine while having your toes painted. Make an appointment for a massage or try a new hair cut. Maybe your favorite way to relax is losing yourself in a good book or watching classic movies. Whatever makes you feel relaxed and refreshed, do it! No excuses! We all deserve a little pampering every now and again. Besides, you only have about 290 more days until summer break is here again, so enjoy the school year.

September is Life Insurance Awareness Month

boomerBy Dan Anderegg
Life Happens is a not for profit organization formed over 20 years ago to help educate the public on life insurance. One of their most successful campaigns is Life Insurance Awareness Month. Life insurance, in general, is one of the most important and often times misunderstood decisions you can make to protect your family. Below are three answers to common misconceptions about life insurance.

1. How much life insurance do I need? Recent studies show that less than half of middle class families own life insurance according to LIMRA Facts of Life. Many of the families that do own life insurance don’t own enough. One “rule-of-thumb” to help you understand how much life insurance you need is, 14 times your annual income. As with any “rule-of-thumb,” your individual circumstances could cause this to go up or down. You may need 20 times your income if you have young children and a lot of debt. Or the number could be less if your children are grown and your mortgage is paid off. Check out the financial calculator at to help find out how much coverage you need.

2. How much does it cost? Thinking that life insurance is more expensive than it really is can be another obstacle in committing to buying life insurance. In one survey (LIMRA Facts of Life), most participants thought life insurance cost twice as much as it actually does. A healthy 35-year-old male can buy almost $400,000 of a 20 year term life policy for $30 a month.

3. What is the agent’s role? Many people today don’t want to be “sold” any products much less life insurance. An agent’s job is to help you find the right amount and type of insurance for your budget and family needs. Working with a trained agent can benefit you by finding the right type of insurance that fits your situation. For example, if you have health issues, an agent can find the right company for you. Keep in mind; the healthier you are the less you will pay for insurance.

Nobody wants to think about why life insurance is necessary, but in all reality we need to. Preparing and providing for our families is just one way to continue caring for them long after we are gone. For more information on Life insurance and Annuities, contact a Western Fraternal Life agent in your area.